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J App Pharm Sci. 2019; 9(9): 111-118

Tobacco resinoid (Nicotiana tabacum L.) as an active ingredient of cosmetic gels

Venelina Popova, Yulian Tumbarski, Tanya Ivanova, Raina Hadjikinova, Albena Stoyanova.

Cited by 8 Articles

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is not just an important industrial crop, but also a source of phytochemicals with diverse biological and pharmacological activities. The study aimed at the investigation of the chemical composition and the antimicrobial activity of resinoids obtained from three types of tobacco grown in Bulgaria (Virginia, Burley and Oriental), and the properties of a model cosmetic gel containing tobacco resinoid as an active ingredient. The GC-MS composition of the resinoids was presented by aliphatic hydrocarbons (56.54 – 68.30%), oxygenated aliphatics (10.41 – 20.45%), diterpenes (10.02 – 18.63%) and triterpenes (4.55 – 6.92%). The tested resinoids were more effective against Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 and Bacillus cereus) and yeasts (Candida albicans NBIMCC 74) than against Gram-negative bacteria (Klebsiella pneumoniae). The resinoid of Oriental tobacco was included as an active ingredient (1%) in a model cosmetic gel formulation. The rheological behavior of the gel characterized it as a non-Newtonian fluid. The inclusion of tobacco resinoid reduced gel viscosity in the applied stress range (1.5 – 72.9 s-1). The outcomes from the study suggest that tobacco resinoid is a suitable ingredient of cosmetic gels, contributing to their organoleptic and functional properties.

Key words: tobacco leaves, resinoid, cosmetic gel, rheology, antimicrobial activity

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