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Case Report

Diagnosis and management of sand impaction of the large intestine in an Alsatian puppy

ST Muhammad, SW Audu, BM Jahun, M Lawal & DAY Adawa.


A four-month-old, male German Shepherd puppy previously (six weeks ago) managed for babesiosis and toxocariasis was re-presented with complaints of weakness and poor growth. Physical examination revealed body weakness, emaciation, rough hair coat and dried muzzle. Empty rectum and caudal abdominal pain with crepitating hard masses were felt on palpation. Plane lateral thoraco-abdominal radiograph revealed gas-trapped (impacted) radio-opaque masses in the transverse and descending colon. Oral administration of vegetable oil (total of 300ml) given to effect was employed to soften and evacuate bowel content (within 3 hours of treatment). Radiographic examination 14 hours post management revealed a completely empty bowel. Compounded cereal paste-like diet was given for 5 days and the puppy was discharged 6 days after presentation.

Key words: Colon, Sand impaction, Diagnosis, Management, Puppy

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