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Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and its risk factors among Class 4 workers of rural tertiary health-care hospitals in Western India: A cross-sectional study

Shweta Maheshkumar Parikh, Jigar Nayankumar Mehta, Mahima Thakkar, Namita Thakkar, Mayuri Gauswami.

Cited by 5 Articles

Background: The least attention is given to the real heroes of the hospital is the Class 4 workers are associated with a lot of duties of lifting and transferring patients and are at risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs).

Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study was to find the prevalence of WMSDs in 9 body regions among Class 4 workers of tertiary care hospitals and ergonomics assessment of their exposure to risk factors for the development of WMSDs.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 148 Class 4 workers (male: 99; female: 49 Age: >23 years) from tertiary care hospitals. A structured questionnaire comprises demographic questions, Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire-Extended for WMSDs assessment in nine body parts and quick exposure check (QEC) method for ergonomic assessment, and new job stress scale for assessing job-related stress. The prevalence of WMSDs for each body region was determined.

Results: Respondents’ mean age was 31.3 years (SD = 9). Point prevalence for WMSDs was high in regions like the lower back (43.8%), followed by the knee (40.8%), and shoulder (34.4%). Among 49 female respondents, 25 reported lower back pain (51%), and 20 reported neck pain (41.6%). Among 99 male respondents, 25 reported lower back pain (25.5%) while 22 reported knee pain (22.2%). QEC assessment showed that level of exposure to WMSDs risk was high among 50% of the study population.

Conclusion: The lower back and knee were the most affected areas among Class 4 workers. Moreover, QEC findings warned the level of exposure to WMSDs risks is high.

Key words: Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders; Class 4 Workers; Ergonomics; Extended Nordic Questionnaire; Quick Exposure Check; New Job Stress

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