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Knowledge and Risk Factors for Glaucoma among Adults in a Rural Community of Kwara State, North-Central Nigeria

Kabir Adekunle Durowade, Adekunle Ganiyu Salaudeen, Omotosho Ibrahim Musa, Oladimeji Akeem Bolarinwa, Oluwole Adeyemi Babatunde, Chukwuma Anyaike.


AIM: Glaucoma is becoming an increasingly important public health problem and presents a greater public health challenge because the blindness it causes is irreversible. This study is aimed at assessing the knowledge and risk factors for glaucoma among adults in Oke-ose community, Kwara State in North-Cental Nigeria.
METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study which assessed the knowledge and risk factors for glaucoma among adults in a rural community of Kwara State. The respondents were selected using cluster sampling technique. Interviewer- administered semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 15.
RESULTS: Less than half 94(47.0%) respondents were aware of glaucoma. Only 11(5.5%) respondents had some knowledge of symptoms and 18(9.0%) had knowledge of the risk factors. Socio-economic status, age of respondents and educational status and family history of glaucoma among the respondents significantly influenced the awareness and knowledge of the disease (p

Key words: Knowledge, Risk Factors, Glaucoma, Rural Community, Nigeria.

Article Language: Turkish English

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