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Profile of Testosterone Levels on Obesity in Its Relationship with Various Other Metabolic Syndrome (MS) Components in Adult Male Subjects

Erwin Tinambunan,Andi Makbul Aman Mansyur,Syakib Bakri,Haerani Rasyid,hasyim Kasim,Husaini Umar,Fabiola Maureen Shinta Adam,Arifin Seweng.

Cited by 0 Articles

Testosterone is one of the hormones that play a role in metabolic diseases such as obesity. this hormone is associated with metabolic dysfunction, and low testosterone levels are associated with energy imbalances, impaired glucose control, reduced insulin sensitivity, and dyslipidemia.
This study used a descriptive research design with a cross-sectional approach. Sampling was carried out by consecutive sampling in several health facilities in the city of Makassar from March 2018 to September 2018. As many as 62 adult male subjects aged 40-65 years were examined for testosterone levels in the morning that met the inclusion criteria and then analyzed using SPSS version 22 and values

Key words: Testosterone, Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome

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