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Morphometric study of interparietal bone in Gujarat region

Bharat Patel, Jitendra Patel, Ritesh Shah, Sanjay Kanani, Ashok Nirvan, Rashmikant Dave.

Cited by 3 Articles

Background: The occipital bone develops partly in cartilage and partly in membrane. The squamous part of occipital bone between two parietal bones occasionally presents a separate bones which are termed as inca, pre-interparietal bone or interparietal bone.

Aims & Objective: (1) To determine the incidence of interparietal bone in skulls of Gujarat region. (2) To study different anomalies of interparietal bone and compare it with other studies.

Material and Methods: Total 289 dried macerated skulls from Gujarat region were studied for incidence and type of interparietal bone anomaly.
Results: Out of total 289 skulls interparietal bone was found in 23 bones giving incidence of 7.96%. Eight different varieties of interparietal bone anomalies were found and noted.

Conclusion: Different anomalies of interparietal bone can be easily interpreted using the knowledge of ossification of interparietal part of occipital bone. Pre-interparietal bone is a misnomer and should not be reported separately.

Key-Words: Occipital Bone; Ossification; Interparietal Bone; Morphometric Study

Key words: Occipital Bone; Ossification; Interparietal Bone; Morphometric Study

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