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Review Article

Acta Inform Med. 2010; 18(4): 233-235

Peripheral Nerve Stimulator in Regional Anesthesia – Electrophysiology and Electronic Synthesis

Nedim Solakovic.


In 1884 the first peripheral nerve block with cocaine has been conducted. Ever since, different methods have been used for determination of nerve position and local anesthetic injection into its immediate vicinity. Considering that in the 80s of last century several studies have appeared that indicated the neuropathies caused nerve injuries while performing block with needle, a search for safer method of nerve identification was initiated. It is then that the method was developed on the basis of electric impulse stimulant, generated and shaped in peripheral nerve stimulator, based on input parameters determined by the anesthesiologist. The device has been created as result of interaction of modern scientific knowledge of electrophysiology of peripheral nervous system and practical solutions in the field of digital technique. Nowadays, with the excellent knowledge of peripheral nervous system anatomy, it presents contemporary tool in practicing peripheral nerve blocks.

Key words: nerve stimulator, nerve identification, peripheral nerve block

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