Original Research |
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Obesity Effect on Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) Value in Various Metabolic Syndrome (MS) ComponentsSyahrir Parawansyah,Husaini Umar,Makbul Aman Mansyur,Syakib Bakri,Hasyim Kasim,Himawan Sanusi,Rahmawati Minhajat,Arifin Seweng. Abstract | | | Cited by 0 Articles | Insulin resistance plays a major role in the pathophysiology of MS. HOMA-IR has proven to be a strong examination to assess insulin resistance. Differences in the prevalence of the MS are also caused by the diagnostic criteria used. Obesity is an absolute requirement for the criteria for MS according to the IDF compared to other components, while NCEP ATP III only requires the number of components. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of obesity on HOMA-IR values on various components of the MS. The study was cross sectional, in healthy male subjects aged 40-65 years. The research was conducted at various health facilities in Makassar. Subjects were assessed for blood pressure, abdominal circumference, fasting blood sugar, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides and HOMA-IR. Tertile 3 HOMA-IR is considered as insulin resistance. Then the samples were divided into 5 groups based on obesity and the number of MS components (including the NCEP ATP III and IDF criteria) and compared each HOMA-IR with the non-obese + group without other MS components (reference group). Of the total 102 samples that took part in the study, the increase in proportion of subjects suffering from insulin resistance was in accordance with the number of components of MS that were disrupted and the presence of obesity. HOMA-IR values in Obese subjects + 2-4 components of the MS were significantly higher than the reference group. HOMA-IR values in Obese + 0-1 subjects in the MS component were significantly higher than the reference group, and HOMA-IR values in Non-Obese + 1- 3 subjects in the MS were not significantly different from the reference group. Obesity (whether accompanied by or without other components of the MS) is very influential on the value of HOMA-IR.
Key words: Obesity, HOMA-IR, Metabolic Syndrome