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Acta Inform Med. 2010; 18(4): 199-201

Geometric Subtypes of the Left Ventricle in Patients with Left Bundle Branch Block

Zlatko Santic, Katica Mustapic-Santic.


Objective: To examine geometric subtypes of the left ventricle (LV ) in patients with a left bundle branch block (LBBB), with an echocardiographically proved left ventricular hypertrophy (LV H) and without a proved LV H. Methods and results: In 124 patients with LBBB the LV geometry was determined from the left ventricular mass (LV M) and the LV relative wall thickness (RWT). Abnormal LV geometry was found in 103 patients (83,07%). The most frequent subtype was an eccentric LV H (44,35%), followed by a concentric LV H (24,19%), and concentric remodelling (14,4%), while normal geometry findings accounted for 16,93%. In the group of patients with LBBB even without an LV H finding, a changed LV geometry was also observed, the most frequent findings being concentric remodelling (44,44%) and eccentric LV H (22,22%). Conclusions: In patients with LBBB the LV H finding is very frequent (85,48%). With the development of an LBBB the LV geometry also changes, the most frequent finding being an eccentric LV H. Patients with LBBB even without an LV H finding often have a changed LV geometry, which is crucial for their prognosis.

Key words: Left ventricular geometry, bundle branch block.

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