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J Pak Dent Assoc. 2020; 29(Special supplement on Covid-19): 3-8

Pediatric Maxillofacial Trauma Management Experience at Tertiary Care Hospital- A retrospective study

Khurram Jah Zafar,Omer Sefvan Janjua,Maleeha Khurram,Muhammad Usman Khalid,Muhammad Imran Saleh,Ayesha Moughal.


Objectives: To establish the etiology, pattern, management and outcome of maxillofacial trauma in pediatric patients. Study Design: Retrospective study.
Setting and Duration: Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad. January 2016 to January 2019.
Materials and Methods: A three year record of pediatric patients who suffered from maxillofacial trauma was reviewed and analyzed using hospital database. The data gathered from the record of the patient’s like age which was presented as mean and standard deviation whereas data like gender, etiology of particular trauma, anatomic position of fracture, affiliated injuries, kind of treatment used and outcome of the treatment was presented as frequency and percentage.
Results: Out of 135 pediatric maxillofacial trauma patients 91 (67.4%) were males and 44 (32.6%) were females making male to female ratio of 1.8:1. The mean age of the pediatric patients was 6.5 + 2.63 years. Fall was the most common etiology of the trauma 83 (61.5%) followed by RTA 40 (29.6%). Out of 157 different fracture types 113 (71.9%) occurred in mandible, and among mandible parasymphysis region was most commonly 42 (37.1%) fractured site. Majority of the patients were treated by ORIF 80 (59.3%). The concomitant injuries were observed in 31 (22.9%) patients and among these neuro-cranial injuries were most common in 19 (61.3%) patients. Post treatment complications were observed in 16 (11.9%) patients and among these limited mouth opening was the most commonly seen complication 8 (50%) patients.
Conclusion: The results of this study verified pediatric male patient’s predominance. Mandible fracture was the most frequent site of pediatric maxillofacial trauma, predominantly caused by a fall. Majority of maxillofacial fractures were managed by open reduction and internal fixation. There is a need at a national level for a public, parent and teacher education program on child-care and safety.

Key words: Key Words: Maxillofacial trauma, Pediatric, Management.

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