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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 4923-4933

Effectiveness Of Online Education In India During The Covid 19 Pandemic

Dr. N. R. Jadhav, Dr. Vishal Deshmukh.


No one would have guessed that a virus-like Covid-19 would come and without differentiating, it will alter the lifestyle of people. Due to Covid-19, many changes came to our world and it took some time for everyone to adopt the new normal. The Covid-19 impact was everywhere, which resulted in the closure of schools and other educational institutions. Teachers who are all experts in blackboard and chalk, books and classroom teaching are really new to this digital teaching, but they are adopting the new methods and handling it like a pro to aid the students in the current position. In this paper the researcher has focused the effectiveness of online teaching learning process in the pandemic situation

Key words: Covid-19, impact, teaching learning process, digital teaching, effectiveness.

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