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Original Article

ECB. 2013; 2(1): 49-57


Tomoko Hayashi, Haruhiko Shibata, Shingo Orita and Takashiro Akitsu.


We have prepared and characterized several 3d-4f (Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) transition metal (3d) ions and Ce(III), Pr(III), and Lu(III) lanthanide metal (4f) ions) complexes incorporating chiral Schiff base ligands (abbreviated as CeNi, CeCu, CeZn, PrNi, PrCu, PrZn, LuNi, LuCu, and LuZn, respectively). Solid-state CD spectra and diffuse reflectance electronic spectra exhibited reasonable shift by combination of 3d and 4f ions at charge-transfer region. Magnetic features (antiferromagnetic interactions, if any) also exhibited substitution of 3d-4f ions of diamagnetic or paramagnetic spin numbers. Interestingly, determined crystal structures of some of them exhibited different structural characters about coordination numbers, crystalline solvents, and dimetic (or bridging) features nevertheless of 3d-4f metal substitution in identical organic ligands.

Key words: Chirality, Schiff base, Ni(II) complex, Cu(II) complex, Zn(II) complex, Lanthanide complex

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