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Case Report

SETB. 2008; 42(4): 25-27

foot case caused by a ganglion cyst



Ganglion cysts are cystic lesions originating from joint capsule or tendon sheath. They are the most common type of soft tissue tumors that were seen in hand, wrist and foot. Mostly seen at the age of 30-50 years and among women. Differential diagnosis inculudes lipoma, fibroma, osteoma, sarkoma, tuberculosis, romatoid tenosynovit and aneurizm. Ganglion cysts can cause a clinical picture like foot becase they apply pressure on the peroneal nerve around them. Ganglion cyst located close to peroneal nerve was detected in a 40 years old female patient presented with swelling on lateral side of right knee and foot. Surgical excision was done. foot pathology which stil exist at the 4 th mounth examination was disappeared 1 st year control.

Key words: Ganglion, foot, peroneal nerve compression

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