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Case Report

Postoperative Complication of Nitrofurazone after Pilonidal Sinus Surgery: Contact Dermatitis

Dursun Özgür Karakaş, İbrahim Yılmaz, Mutlu Çayırlı, Özgür Dandin.


Topical antibiotics can be used for prophylaxis of surgical site infections. Despite advantage, topical antibiotics have disadvantages as contact dermatitis.
A twenty-year old man with anamnesis of long time using of topical nitrofurazone dressing after operation presented with burning, itching, secretion and local eczematous lesion on surgical site of pilonidal sinus surgery. His contact dermatitis has healed after saline dressing.
Topical antibiotics can be preferred in the presence of abscess at pilonidal sinus surgery. Povidone iodine can be used alone but if it is necessary, nitrofurazone can be used carefully within short period or less sensitizer topical antibiotics such as mupirocin and rifamycin can be preferred

Key words: Pilonidal Sinus, Nitrofurazone, Contact Dermatitis

Article Language: Turkish English

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