Background: Sickle cell anaemia is seen in 2,50,000 children every year worldwide. The disease is incurable and needs long term treatment to maintain the quality of life of patients. Pandu Roga is a syndrome rather than a disease where multiple systems are involved and also it is a disease where Panduta (Pallor) is the main characteristic feature. The clinical entity sickle cell anaemia which is one among the hereditary disease can be considered under the title of Pandu Roga due to the similarity of a number of clinical features.
Objectives: To evaluate the role of Ayurveda treatment modalities in improving the quality of life (QOL) in sickle cell anaemia patient.
Materials and Methods: 8 years old male child, who is a known case of SCD with SS pattern, attended the OPD of Kaumarbhritya with complaints of pain in both lower limbs, poor weight gain, lack of appetite, generalised weakness and the recurrent onset of fever and cold on and off since six months. Based on the clinical features observed in the patient, the disease was diagnosed with Vata Pittaja Panduroga. The treatment was planned with the principle of Deepana (the drug which does not digest the Ama but enhances Agni), Pachana (the drug which digests the Ama but does not enhance Agni), Vatanuloman (a drug which propels the vitiated Vata in downward direction), Raktashodhak (Purify the blood) and Raktavardhak (which enhance the blood volume).
Observations and results: The therapies employed showed significant changes in the child with complete symptomatic relief of pain in both lower limbs, improvement in appetite and reduction of generalised weakness and improving the quality of life (QOL).
Conclusion: Ayurveda treatment modalities used can be effective in the management of sickle cell anaemia in improving the quality of life (QOL). However larger clinical studies with comparative studies are required to assess the effectiveness of the therapies in a significant way.
Key words: Ayurveda, Pandu Roga, Quality of life, Sickle cell anaemia