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RMJ. 2022; 47(1): 34-36

Frequency of primary headache disorders; A retrospective study

Sarwat Iqbal, Mujeeb-ur-Rehman Abid Butt, Rana Adil, Arshad-ullah Afridi, Uzma Sarwar.


Objective: To determine frequency of primary headache disorders in patients presenting at a tertiary healthcare setup.
Methodology: This descriptive retrospective study was carried out at Department of Medicine, Shalamar Hospital, Lahore from January 2019 to December 2020. A total of 400 patients presenting to medical and neurology outpatient departments with complain of recurrent/persistent headaches were included through digital outpatient record. Data of each patient was filled in a questionnaire Performa. Headache disorders were classified according to ICHD-3 beta criteria.
Results: Out of 400 subjects, the frequency of migraine and tension type headache was 46% and 24%, respectively. Chronic daily headache was present in 12% and 18% were diagnosed as other headaches. Only one case of cluster headache was seen. There was female predominance being 67% of total subjects.
Conclusion: This study revealed a high frequency of migraine as compared to tension type headache, which is more common in west.

Key words: Primary headache disorders, migraine, tension type headache, ICHD-3 beta.

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