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Study of B Cell Epitope Conserved Region of The Zika Virus Envelope Glycoprotein to Develop Multi-Strain Vaccine

Oktavia Rahayu Adianingsih, Viol Dhea Kharisma.

Cited by 29 Articles

A Zika virus (ZIKV) infection causes severe clinical manifestations, both in newborn baby and adult. It was considered as public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016. Until now, there is no approved drug or vaccine for the treatment or prevention of multi-strain ZIKV infection. The present work attempt to identify the B cell epitope conserved region of ZIKV envelope glycoprotein through an intensive in silico study. This study revealed that the conserved region of ZIKV envelope glycoprotein interacts with Asp9, Glu12, Glu40, Asp177, Glu243, and Glu245 of Axl receptor tyrosine kinase, a ZIKV receptor on the host cell. Two sequences in ZIKV envelope glycoprotein, ISDSDSRCPTQGEALKQSDTQY" (22-mer) and "SQHSGMGETDERAKVETPNSPRAEATL" (27-mer), are identified as B cell epitopes. Further studies are necessary to confirm their possibility as potential ZIKV multi-strain vaccine in the future.

Key words: ZIKV, B cell epitope, multi-strain, vaccine, in silico

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