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Zika Virus: Knowledge, Attitudes, and its Prevention Approach Among Students of the Health Colleges at Qassim University, Saudi Arabia

Hanan Mohamed Tork, Samah Alawady Basam.


Background: Zika virus (ZIKV), a flavivirus transmitted by Aedes species mosquitoes, was first identified in the Zika Forest in Uganda in 1947. There is a Saudi concern about Zika, and the Saudi health authority is trying to do their best to prevent any outbreak considering that people’ precautions that are taken based always on their knowledge toward infectious diseases.

Aim: To assess the level of knowledge and attitudes towards Zika virus (ZIKV) and its prevention among Health Colleges’ students at Qassim University (QU), Saudi Arabia. In addition, to identify factors associated with level of knowledge regarding ZIKV.

Methods: A stratified random sample of 343 students (male and female) participated in a cross-sectional study. The questionnaire consisted of 46 questions assessing the knowledge, attitudes, and prevention practices regarding ZIKV.

Results: Mean age of participants was 22 years old (SD ± 1.6) and the internet was the commonest source of information. Overall, most participants had poor knowledge regarding ZIKV (n = 274, 79.9%) and positive attitude (n= 294, 85.7%) regarding learning more about ZIKV. In terms of prevention practices, more than half of participants (n=191, 54.7%) confirmed using mosquito nets to prevent mosquito bites. Statistically significant differences were detected between participants’ level of knowledge and their age (p < 0.037), colleges (p < 0.039), academic level (p < 0.001), and residence area (p < 0.001).

Conclusion: Findings revealed the lacuna of knowledge of participants regarding ZIKV. This finding arises the need for implementing ZIKA Virus health education program for university students.

Key words: Zika virus, viral infections, knowledge, attitudes, prevention

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