Case Report |
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Localised Ridge Augmentation Using Soft Tissue Onlay Graft : A Case ReportSruthy Prathap, Shashikanth Hegde, Prathap Nair, Rajesh Hosadurga, Vinita A Boloor. Abstract | | | | Localised alveolar defects are frequently found in partially edentulous patients. This impairs the prosthetic restoration of damaged area causing esthetic, phonetic and oral hygiene complications. Esthetically correct treatment of an alveolar ridge defect is a frequent challenge to dentists. Long term growth and development of clinical research in soft tissue and hard tissues has provided a means of treating problems of inadequate alveolar ridges necessary for restorative procedures. Treatment modalities vary with the class of ridge deformities involving an interdisciplinary approach. Such defects can be overcome with different surgical techniques. The onlay graft technique is primarily designed to gain the ridge height. A case report has been presented here for a patient with alveolar ridge defect in the maxillary anterior region corrected with soft tissue ridge augmentation using onlay graft technique. This technique has favored gain in tissue volume without any postsurgical complications.
Key words: Esthetics, Ridge defect, Onlay graft, Reconstruction