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Original Article

JPAS. 2019; 17(1): 54-60


Umar Faruk Hassan,Eno Okon Ekanem,Harami Malgwi Adamu,Namli Voncir,Hassan Farouk Hassan,Nuruddeen Muhammad Lawal.


Studies were carried out to determine some nutrients status of Dass soil, Bauchi State, Nigeria after varied treatments (0, 15, 30 and 45 days) with organic residue of Typha domingensis. A complete randomized experiment was set-up such that each treatment was replicated three (3) times and was made up of 2.00 kg of the soil sample incubated with 300.00 g of the organic residue of the weed at 35°C. The control (0 day) soil was neither added water nor the organic residue of the Typha plant. The other three (3) treatments (15, 30 and 45 days) were each added 100.00 cm3 of water daily. At the end of each treatment, replicated soil samples from each treatment were collected, homogenized, air-dried and analyzed for the nutrients status using various standard analytical techniques. The results obtained showed that treating Dass soil with the organic residue of the invasive plant raised the status of the bulk density from 1.682 (control) to 1.738 g/cm3 (45 days treatment). The levels of pH (H2O) and pH (CaCl2) were evaluated to be in the respective range of 6.23 (control) to 6.58 (45 days) and 6.03 (control) to 6.55 (45 days). The concentrations of potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium (exchangeable bases) were found to be within the spread (range) values of 0.43 (0 day) to 1.33 (45 days), 0.54 (0 day) to 3.32 (45 days), 6.88 (0 day) to 32.69 (45 days) and 0.63 (0 day) to 6.02 cmol/kg (45 days) respectively. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) was similarly found to increase from 6.40 (0 day) to 13.20 cmol/kg (45 days). The addition of the organic residue of the noxious plant was however found to decrease the amount of the total exchangeable acidity (TEA) probably because of the high level of calcium determined. All the parameters found with the exception of TEA were found to be statistically different due to variation in the treatments (number of days) as revealed by One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the Least Significant Difference Test (p ≤ 0.05). The organic residue of the plant investigated is therefore a relatively good liming material and hence recommended for use in the soil sample tested

Key words: Organic residue, TEA, One-Way Analysis of Variance, Least Significant Difference, cation exchange capacity, Typha domingensis, complete randomized experiment, exchangeable bases, bulk density and pH

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