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Correlation of students performance in theory and practical of final summative pharmacology examination in MBBS curriculum: A critical insight

Brijal Satishchandra Patel, Amita Kubavat, Kiran Piparva.

Cited by 14 Articles

Background: Assessment of learning has always been difficult, yet an important part of our education system. Curricular guidelines of Medical Council of India lay emphasis on methods of assessment of knowledge and skills in Pharmacology. Advances in scientific knowledge and innovations in educational field that necessitates constant change in medical curriculum.

Aims & Objective: To correlate student's performance in theory and practical of final summative pharmacology examination in M.B.B.S curriculum in order to have a critical insight.

Materials and Methods: Present study is a record-based observational study done at PDU Govt. Medical College, Rajkot, Gujarat. We have taken data for six consecutive years from 2007 to 2012. Based on their performance in terms of percentage of marks, all students in a batch were classified into five categories: 'failed' (F) = 55 to

Key words: Correlation; Examination; Pharmacology; Summative

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