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Case Report

Dusunen Adam. 2019; 32(4): 352-354

Digital rectal stimulation associated with psychiatric disorders as a rare reason of solitary rectal ulcer in children and adolescents: A case series study

Fatih Hilmi Çetin,Halil Haldun Emiroğlu,Saliha Çalışır,Serhat Türkoğlu.


Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS) is one of the rare causes of rectal bleeding in children and adolescents. Traumatic and ischemic mucosal injury is the main cause of etiopathogenesis. A rare but an important cause of traumatic mucosal injury is digital rectal stimulation. It is known that digital rectal stimulation is used in order to increase the intestinal motility and to reduce the feeling of inadequate defecation. In this study, it was emphasized that digital rectal stimulation can be seen due to psychiatric disorders, and with proper psychiatric interventions, digital stimulation behaviour and SRUS can be improved. Moreover, the importance of the gastroenterologist-psychiatrist cooperation has been mentioned in such cases.

Key words: Solitary rectal ulcer, digital rectal stimulation, mental illness, children and adolescents, rectal bleeding

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