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The Effects of the Levels of Burnout Midwives Working in Ağrı on the Job Satisfaction and Empathic Tendencies of Them

Safiye Ağapınar Şahin, Handan Güler.


AİM:The this study was carried out descriptively for the purpose of determining the effect level of burnout has on the job satisfaction and empathic tendencies of midwives.
METHOD: The findings of the study were obtained using a questionnaire directed at the socio-demographic and occupational characteristics of midwives, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale, and the Empathic Tendency Scale.100 midwives working at Ağrı Maternity and Pediatrics Hospital, Ağrı State Hospital, Health Care Centers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, Center for Maternal and Infant Health, and Family Planning center established the population of the study. 74 midwives willing to participate in the study constituted the sample group. The data obtained was evaluated using a SPSS 14.0 (Statistical Package for Social Science) software program. Numbers and percentages, a significance test for the difference of two means, the Man Whitney U Test, the Kruskal-Wallis Test, and correlation analysis were used to evaluate the data.
RESULTS: The majority of the midwives participating in the study are aged 30 and under, and are medical vocational high school graduates. A third of the married midwives, approximately half of the midwives participating in the study, have children. Just over a half of the midwives are at second base and work full-time during the day, most of them are contract employees, and have been working for 1-5 years. Over half of the midwives participating in the study chose their profession willingly and the majority of them expressed that their profession was satisfying economically. It was determined that the age, education level, and working position of the midwives, together with the economical satisfaction of the job, and obtaining a certificate of merit did not affect burnout, whereas, marital status, having children, the organization they worked for, their years of service, and working hours did affect burnout. A significant inverse relationship was determined between the levels of burnout with job satisfaction and the score means of empathic tendencies.
CONCLUSİON: As midwives burnout level increases,studies determines that their job satisfaction and empathic tendencies decrease.

Key words: Burnout, Empathic Tendencies, Job Satisfaction, Midwife.

Article Language: Turkish English

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