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Effect of body mass index on VO2 max among apparently healthy male young adults: A cross-sectional study

Namrata Dubey, Pranoy Roy, Jyoti Arora.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Factors determine the change in aerobic capacity (VO2 max). This study discovered an association between body mass index (BMI) with aerobic capacity (VO2 max) in apparently healthy male young adults.

Aims and Objectives: The study aimed to determine the effect of obesity on cardiopulmonary health of apparently healthy male young adults with following objectives: (i) To compare the VO2 max in different BMI groups and (ii) to study the correlation of BMI with VO2 max.

Materials and Methods: A study was conducted among 100 male subjects of 18–30 years assessing BMI (height/weight2) and VO2 max by CPET Ergo-bike machine. Statistical analysis was done with unpaired t-test.

Results: In correlation between four BMI groups and their respective VO2 max, we found that VO2 max in the underweight group (BMI

Key words: VO2 max; Body Mass Index; CPET ergo-bike

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