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Med Arch. 2013; 67(1): 7-9

Alpha Lipoic Acid and Glycaemic Control in Diabetic Neuropathies at Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Kanita Ibrahimpasic.


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic, chronic and incurable disease which reduces span and quality of life. Over 50% of diabetic patients have clinical manifestations of diabetic neuropathy. Aim: To show a positive influence of alpha lipoic acid on clinically manifested diabetic neuropathy symptoms as well as the effect of alpha lipoic acid in patients glycaemic control. Material and methods: Testing has been conducted in Cantonal Hospital “Irfan Ljubijankic MD” in Bihac and included 20 diabetes type 2 patients who were diagnosed with clinically manifested diabetic neuropathy. All the patients’ conditions were evaluated by: medical history, clinical parameters, detailed internal examination, laboratory analyses for glycaemic control assessment and mono filament test. They were treated with oral anti-diabetics and insulin as well as with alpha lipoic acid preparation in duration of four months. They were divided into two groups, with good (HbA1c

Key words: diabetic neuropathy, alpha lipoic acid, glycaemic control.

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