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Screening of in vitro antioxidant potential of seabuckthorn seedcake extracts

Madhuri Mehta, Vinay Kant, Chandresh Varshneya.


Seabuckthorn is a valuable plant encompasses various medicinal and nutritional properties. The present study was conducted to assess the antioxidant potential of seabuckthorn seedcake. Various in vitro methods such as, ABTS, DPPH, nitric oxide, reducing power, hydroxyl and superoxide radical scavenging assays were used to evaluate the antioxidant activity of three extracts (i.e. 100% methanolic, 70% aqua-methanolic and 100% aqueous) of seedcake. The 100% methanolic extract showed higher recovery (14%) and total phenolic contents (236.50 ± 2.60 mg of GAE/gm of extract), as compared to the other extracts. All the extracts were able to scavenge different in vitro radicals i.e. ABTS, DPPH, superoxide, hydroxyl and nitric oxide radicals, in a concentration dependent manner. The results measured through IC50 values, revealed that 100% methanolic extract was better scavenger of ABTS, DPPH, hydroxyl radicals and nitric oxide. However, 70% methanolic extract was better scavenger of superoxide radicals. The reducing power of the extracts was also found in a dose dependent manner and was higher in methanolic extracts (100% and 70%). From this study, we concluded that seabuckthorn seedcake possess good in vitro antioxidative properties and can be incorporated as a supplement in animal feed after conducting in vivo trials.

Key words: Seabuckthorn, Seedcake, Antioxidant potential, Radicals, Phenolic contents.

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