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Knowledge, attitude & practices about cervical cancer and screening among nursing staff in a teaching hospital

Alok Goyal, Gunvant Vaishnav, Anjani Shrivastava, Ragini Verma, Anjali Modi.

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Background : Estimated cervical cancer screening practice is very low and load of cases very high in India. The studies document that nurses play a crucial role of enlightening community about need and availability of Pap smear. It is important therefore to understand the perceptions and practices of nurses about cervical cancer and screening.

Objectives: To evaluate the Knowledge Attitude & Practices (KAP) of the Nurses on cervical cancer and screening.

Methods: A self-administered, structured, open ended and pretested questionnaire covering the general characteristics, KAP about cervical cancer and screening (Pap smear) was used to collect responses of nurses in a Teaching Hospital at Surat. The information thus collected was entered and analysed in Epi Info and Microsoft Excel software.

Results: Responses from 200 female nurses were recorded and analysed. Majority (88%) were married; most common age of marriage being 21 to 25 years. Nurses linked multiple sexual partners (61%), sex at an early age (44%), Human Papilloma Virus infection (38.6%) and heredity (31%) to cervical cancer. Approximately 70% believed that Ca cervix is preventable, detectable and curable if detected early. Pap smear was recognized as major screening technique by 74% nurses. Major (84%) source of information was health professional. Eighty percent nurses never took cervical screening while 87.5% did not recommend it to others.

Conclusions: For successful implementation of cervical screening program, the nurses should be targeted first by education and sensitization so that they can play pivotal role in developing the awareness, confidence and compliance of women.

Key words: Health knowledge attitude & practices, Uterine cervical neoplasms, Nurses

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