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Determination of sex from the anterior border of the human hip bone

Mitesh Shah, Shailesh Patel, SP Rathod, SV Patel, Parth Pandya, Jignesh Vadgama, Sapna Shah.


Background: The distinctive biometry of the anterior border of the human skeleton and its clear sexual dimorphism make it of interests from anatomical, forensic, obstetrical, radiological, archaeological and anthropological point of view for examination of skeleton remains.

Aims & Objective: To determine the sex of human being from the anterior border of the hip bone.

Material and Methods: For the present study total 306 normal dry human hip bones, out of which 202 are of male and 104 are of female, 141 are of Right side, 165 of Left side were studied. Osteometric board with graph paper and Sliding Vernier Calliper are used for all measurement.

Results: Statistically highly significant(P ≤ 0.001) differences were detected between means in relation to sex for 6 variables ( The maximal width of the anterior border notch, The distance from the anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle , The distance from the anterior inferior iliac spine to the iliopubic eminence , The distance from the anterior inferior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle , The length of the notch between the anterior inferior iliac spine and the iliopubic eminence, The depth of the notch between the anterior inferior iliac spine and the iliopubic eminence), Statistically very significant differences(p≤0.005) were detected between means in relation to sex for 2 variables( Index of widening of the anterior interspinous notch, The depth of the anterior interspinous notch), Statistically significant differences(P≤.01) were detected between means in relation to sex for 1 variable (Index of widening of the notch between the anterior inferior iliac spine and the iliopubic eminence). These variables could be used for sex determination from the human hip bone or its fragments.

Conclusion: Therefore we consider that these 6 variables are the best of the variables studied for sexing human hip bone (P < 0.001).

Key words: Hip Bone, Anterior Border, Biometry, Sex Determination.

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