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Prevalence and indications of preschooler obesity in Misurata: Anthropometry assessment base

Ayman Balla Mustafa Yassien,Maryam Ismail,Mohamed Suliman Zwawi Suliman Zwawi,Fathi Balla Mustafa Elzowawi,Nada Mohamed Malik.

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Background: The rapid increase in prevalence of obesity in world during the last 25 years demonstrates the potent effect of environment on adiposity, especially in genetically susceptible of individuals and populations. Objectives: This study aim to investigate prevalence of preschooler’s obesity throughout anthropometric measurements base as well as dietary history at Misurata. Materials and methods: The community-based cross-sectional study was performed on 150 preschoolers, where selected randomly during April up to June 2023. The study data were collected using interview and anthropometric measurements during the survey. These were focused on socio-demography, anthropometry measurements and dietary history. Result: The results revealed that, majority of participants fall within age 48-66 months, 60% male and 40%. While 5% and 11% of participants were low birth weight and preterm respectively. Measurements of body mass index (BMI) indicated that, 34% of participants were obese, 18% of participants were overweight. 56% and 17% of participants were obese and overweight respectively according to weight for age (WFA). Significant different (P≤0.01) of participants regarding fatty food consumption. The result revealed that a significantly positive correlation (P≤0.01) of BMI with WFA, gestation period and birth weight. When, a significantly negative correlation (P≤0.01) of gender with waist circumference and BMI. Conclusion: The study concluded that the high prevalence of obesity and overweight would be threatening child health and development, unless therapeutic lifestyle should be practiced through intervention program. The appropriate nutrition education must be targeted children and their family, this is to enhance improve nutrition patterns and health status of preschoolers.

Key words: Anthropometry, Indications, Misurata, Obesity, Preschooler.

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