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Med Arch. 2019; 73(6): 438-439

The Most Influential Physicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Risto Jeremic (1869-1952)

Izet Masic.


Dr. Risto Jeremic (1869 - 1952) was born on May 8, 1869 in Foca, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he finished elementary school. He started his high school in Sarajevo, then in Dubrovnik, where he graduated on July 29, 1889 (1-3). He started his studies at Faculty of medicine of Vienna university and graduated at Faculty of medicine of Graz university in 1897. He was promoted to the Doctor of Medicine in 1898. Dr. Risto Jeremic was the first domestic surgeon in the former Bosnia and Herzegovina and the first man from Foca who graduated at one university. As a student, during school breaks, in 1892 he attempted to establish the „Focanski Soko'' Serbian Gymnastics Association in Foca, banned from the Austrian authorities, which was the forerunner of the ''Srpski Soko'' ("Serbian Falcon"), This association has been active for more than four decades and has been a model for the founding of a number of similar anti-capitalist societies.

Key words: Risto Jeremic

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