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Case Report

IJHRS. 2019; 8(2): 101-106

Post-traumatic hip impingement: expert’s recommendations based on clinical reasoning and clinical judgment using TAREK approach

Tarek M. El-gohary, Samiha M. Abd Elkader.


Background: Stability is classified in to two types as static and dynamic stability. The Foot is categorized as flat foot, low arched and high arched on the basis of medial longitudinal arch height which can be calculated via Navicular Drop Test (NDT)..
Objectives: Study has been undertaken to estimate the impact of medial longitudinal arch height on static stability..
Materials and methods: This is a comparative cross-sectional study.
Three tertiary care departments offering education of physiotherapy at Hyderabad and Jamshoro. 252 undergraduate physiotherapy students have been selected from institutes of physiotherapy of Hyderabad and Jamshoro. Convenient purposive sampling technique has been used.
To measure static balance two tests has been performed: 1- Single limb stand with eyes open, 2- Single limb stand with eyes closed. To measure medial longitudinal arch height Navicular Drop Test (NDT) has been performed.
To evaluate the comparison in static stability and medial longitudinal arch height Paired T-test has been used. Statistical analysis has been performed by using SPSS version 22.
Results: The P-value for static stability with respect to medial longitudinal arch height was 0.288.
Conclusion: There is a positive relationship of static stability with respect to medial longitudinal arch height.

Key words: Keywords: Static balance, Navicular Drop Test (NDT), medial longitudinal arch height, types of foot.

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