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Research Article

NNJ. 2018; 7(2): 41-43

Knowledge on problems of open field defecation among adults in Saraswathi Nagar, Nellore.

Asso. Prof., Mrs. P. Latha, Ms. Aleesha Joy.


Abstract: Open field defecation is one of such unhealthy practices which is widely prevalent in rural India.
Human exerts is a source of infection which contain pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasites and
their eggs. Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge on problems of open field defecation among adults. 2. To
find out the association between the level of knowledge on problems of open field defecation among adults
with their selected socio demographic variables. Methods: Descriptive design with non probability convenience
sampling technique was used and 100 adults were selected from Saraswathi Nagar, Nellore. Results: Regard
to level of knowledge, 16(16%) are obtained A+ level, 23(23%) are scored A level, 14(14%) are secured B+
level, 19(19%) are achieved B level, 7(7%) are scored C level and 21(21%) are obtained D level. Keywords:
Problems of open field defecation, adults.

Key words: Problems of open field defecation, adults

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