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RMJ. 2019; 44(2): 424-426

Drug-drug interaction in the treatment of tuberculosis at tertiary care hospital of Larkana, Pakistan

Tahseen Ahmed Chano, Altaf Ali Mangi, Awais Ahmed Juno, Waqar Ahmed, Bilawal Ahmed.


Objective: To assess the drug/ drug interaction in the prescription of tuberculosis patients.
Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted for the period of 6 months and a total 300 patients' prescription were chosen using the sample random techniques, which included 63.3% male and 36.6% females.
Results: Different d/d interaction were found in both 1st and second line therapies of the disease such as 11% interactions were noted in Rifampin/INH, 8.6% were seen in Rifampin /Pyrazinamide, 13.6% were observed in INH/Lovastatin and 14.3 % were seen in Cycloserine/tramadol.
Conclusion: A number of prescriptions were found to have number of the drug/drug interactions.

Key words: Drug-drug interaction, lovastatin, tuberculosis, prescription.

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