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Khalid Mohammad Alabdulwahhab.


From Editor’s Desk…..

Once again it gives me immense satisfaction to reach you all through the Vol 7 issue 2 2019 of MJHS. At the outset let me express my gratitude to our beloved Rector Dr. Khalid Bin Saad Al Meqrin and Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Prof. Dr.Mohammad Bin Abdullah Al-Shaaya for the trust endowed upon me.

May Almighty Allah bless all. Ramadan Kareem! I would like to wish all achieve the purification of the soul upon commemorating the month of Ramadan. Wishing all a blessed and Happy Ramadan!

The editorial team has set goal to publish the issues on time, and for indexing in PubMed and Medline, the journal needs to publish more research works. The editorial board and reviewers made it possible to select only quality articles to bring the trend of increased publication of more quality research work compared with case reports and reviews. We have also included an international panel of experts as advisory panel for our Journal. We have set all things in order to get our journal indexed.

The editorial team would like to thank all authors, reviewers, readers for your continuous support for the success of MJHS.

Dr. Khalid Mohammad Alabdulwahhab
Editor in Chief

Key words: Editorial

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