Objective: The aim of this study is to examine the impact of intervention on individuals with cognitive problems
Methods& Materials: The study included 18 mentally disabled individuals enrolled in special education at Öztay Special Education and Rehabilitation Center. The study included volunteer individuals between the ages of 27 and 44 with sufficient cognitive functions to communicate. These individuals were classified in the mild mental deficiency/ mild intellectual disability (ID), IQ= 50-69 classification according to American Psychiatric Association and World Health Organizations (ICD) intellectual quotients.
Results: The study found significant changes between pre-and-post-intervention scores of place, time orientation, object identification, shape identification, interwoven shapes, object constancy, visual perception, indicating right and left side of oneself, showing the right and left side of the opposite person, motor imitation, categorization, copying geometric forms, drawing a clock, and celebrities. The study found differences in post-intervention scores in comparison with pre- intervention scores on total orientation, spatial perception, praxis, thinking, vasomotor organization, and memory. (p
Key words: cognitive problems, mentally disabled, occupational therapy, cognitive education