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Equijost. 2014; 2(1): 171-176


Atiku M., Sanda, A. R., Gwadangaji, S.U..


Organisms both plant and animals, dead or living, play an important role in the development and composition of soil through litter fall. These organisms add organic matter to the soil, aid the decay and decomposition of the soil, helps to improve soil structure and which in turn accounts for the richness and diversity of soil in any location. Soil takes a great deal of time to develop—thousands or even millions of years. As such, it is effectively a non-renewable resource. Yet even now, in many areas of the world, soil is under siege. Deforestation, over-development, and pollution from human made chemicals are just a few of the consequences. Soil science plays a key role in agriculture, helping farmers to select and support the crops on their land and to maintain fertile, healthy ground for planting. Understanding soil is also important in engineering and construction [10]. Soil engineers carry out detailed analysis of the soil prior to building roads, houses, industrial and retail complexes, and other structures. This paper reviews some basic concepts of litter fall. A literature was cited on nutrient cycling, the discussion was on types and causes of litter fall as well as benefits derivable for good soil development. Suggestions and Recommendations were made on how best to harvest and utilizes litter fall.

Key words: Litter fall, Forest Soil, Decomposition, Nutrient cycling.

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