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Equijost. 2014; 2(1): 59-65


Gona, A., Mohammed, I., Baba, K. M..


This paper investigated the profitability of sheep fattening enterprises in Kebbi state, Nigeria. Data were generated from a sample of 160 fatteners between June 2010 and June 2011. Using multistage random sampling technique. Descriptive statistics and Net Farm Income analysis were employed in analysis. The results revealed that a typical sheep fattener was 46 years old, with 8 years of fattening experience and house hold size of 8 members, with each of the fatteners attaining beyond primary level of education. Average number of livestock fattened per cycle was 3. The mean weight gain per animal was 18.9 kg in a fattening cycle. Sheep fattening in the study area was found to be profitable, realizing #15,101.10 as net income per animal. Constraints affecting the fatteners are financial constraint, high cost of feeds, poor market conditions, weather and diseases, poor quality feeds among others. It is recommended that fatteners should buy feeds at cheaper rate during harvest season, form cooperative society and be granted accessible credit by Government in order to enhance their profitability.

Key words: Profitability, Constraints, Sheep, Fattening Enterprise, Kebbi State.

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