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Equijost. 2014; 2(1): 33-37


Muftau M. A., Abubakar, A., Bello, S. lRibah, M. 1., and 3Suleiman, A. O..


A survey was conducted to assess the value of and constraints to meat processing and preservation in some communities of Kebbi state in Nigeria. The questionnaire method was adopted on three purposively selected Local Government Areas involving 103 respondents using the simple random sampling method. Responses were analysed using frequency counts and percentages. Results showed that majority of households in the study areas preferred to purchase meat in fresh form (74.76%), on daily basis (35.92%)from either central or local markets (48.54%). (48.54%) when asked question on methods of preservation most preferred, many household preferred drying method of preserving meat. Nearly half of the respondents preferred drying because it was easier (41.75%) while 25.24% prefer it as a result of its cheapness and more than half (50.49%) of those that preserve meat do so for a day. The other half (49.51%) prefer to purchase fresh meat which also has dry texture although 53.40% of the respondents complained that meat purchased from markets are always tough. Most consumers are of the opinion that fresh meat from markets has a dry texture (49.51%) and feels tough (53.40%) during consumption. Constraints recorded by the households that limit meat preservation include erratic power supply, weather problems, lack of capital to procure preservation facilities and cost of maintenance of the equipment. It is therefore recommended that government should intensify efforts on the establishment of processing and preservation centers in the state and also to introduce ideal effective abattoir operation to overcome problems of meat quality. Awareness should be made through extension officers of the various methods of preserving meat and the advantages of meat preservation especially during times of plenty to ensure steady supply at times of scarcity and dwindling income generation.

Key words: value, constraints, processing, preservation, meat, household

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