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Equijost. 2018; 5(1): 139-152


Oviawe, C.I., Omorodion, I.I..


A Numerical investigation of abrasive wear rate of die in extrusion process was computed using Raleigh-Ritz finite element method. The weak form of the governing differential equation was obtained and stiffness matrix, mass matrix and flux vector were generated for each element to get the pressure of nodal points. The stiffness matrix and mass matrix were assembled by enforcing continuity for the nodal degree of freedom to obtain the global systems equations. The lagrange quadratic interpolation functions for different elements were calculated for Neumann boundary conditions. Time approximation was done with the aid of the Crank-Nicholson finite difference scheme and time step was used to obtain equation for the solution. Using a numerical example, the results showed a maximum error of 0.2 percent for a number of quadratic elements. It is concluded that as the mesh was refined further progressively, the finite element solution approaches the exact solution admirably. The results are displayed in tabular form.

Key words: Raleigh-Ritz, Finite Element, Extrusion process, Time approximation, Crank-Nicholson

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