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IJPRT. 2012; 2(2): 42-46

Comparison of Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavenging Potential of Polyherbal Formulations of SIDITI

Dipak S. Patel*, P. B. Shah, N. B. Managoli.


The present investigation was undertaken to compare the in vitro potential of SIDITI formulations (Existed (EF), New (NF)). In-vitro comparison of antioxidant potential of SIDITI formulations was done by Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, Hydrogen peroxide‐scavenging assay, Super oxide scavenging activity, Reducing power, Chelating capacity, Total antioxidant activity. Siditi NF exhibits powerful super oxide radical scavenging activity, reducing power, total antioxidant activity as compare to Siditi EF. It was also observed that Siditi NF possesses better hydroxyl radical scavenging activity and hydrogen peroxide‐scavenging potential compare to Siditi EF. While chelating power of both the formulation was almost similar. The overall antioxidant activity of both the formulations might be attributed to its polyphenolic content as well as other phytochemicals constituents. The findings of the present study suggest that Siditi NF could be a potential source of natural antioxidant that could have great importance as therapeutic agents in preventing or slowing the progress of gastric ulceration and lesion compare to Siditi EF.

Key words: Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, hydrogen peroxide‐scavenging activity, super oxide radical scavenging activity, chelating activity, total antioxidant activity

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