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Equijost. 2013; 1(1): 19-22


Fakai, I. M., Abdulhamid, A., Sani, I., Bello, F. and Jerome, T..


Celocia laxa is a plant that has been used in the traditional folklore medicine for the treatment of various ailment including worm infections. The proximate and mineral compositions of Celosia laxa leaves were analyzed using the method described by the association of official analytical chemists. The result showed that the leaves contained 1.33±0.11 % residual moisture, 40±0.31 % ash, 26.25±0.23 % crude protein, 16.7±0.15 % crude fiber, 4.2±0.22 % crude lipid and 11.52±0.36 % available carbohydrate. 60mg/100g phosphorus, 150mg/100g sodium, 15850mg/100g calcium, 2660mg/100g iron, 0.0mg/100g cadmium and 0.00mg/100g lead. The significant of this study is that Celocia laxa could serves as good sources of both macro and micro nutrients couple with the absence of heavy metals in the analyzed sample. Celocia laxa could be used to avert ailment associated with micro nutrient deficiency.

Key words: Carbohydrates, Celosia laxa, food value, minerals, nutrition, protein.

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