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Letter to the Editor

Gaps in Curricula of Medical Schools: Some Neglected Topics

Awad Mohamed Ahmed, Hatem Mohamed.


In this paper, we discuss that some important teaching topics are usually missing in curricula of medical schools. Examples taken were medical humanities, religious practices of importance to health and disease, euthanasia and domestic violence. The rationale of introducing these topics to undergraduate curricula and possible barriers were discussed. This is supplemented with two tables contain suggested components for sample lectures in Ramadan fasting as a religious practice of significant impact on health, and another sample lecture on domestic violence. Curricular reforms are needed to include these ‘neglected’ topics in curricula, and also to establish training programmes for doctors in the internship periods. The national bodies responsible of organizing and accrediting schools and programmes should ensure including the ‘neglected’ topics in curricula of medical and allied programmes.

Key words: Medical education, curricular reforms, medical humanities, euthanasia, religious practices, domestic violence

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