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Original Article

Med Arch. 2018; 72(4): 257-261

Predictors of Hospitalization for Heart Failure Decompensation in 18-months Follow-up After Index Hospitalization for Acute Heart Failure

Azra Durak-Nalbantic, Alen Dzubur, Naser Nabil, Aida Hamzic-Mehmedbasic, Faris Zvizdic, Enisa Hodzic, Nerma Resic.


Introduction: Heart failure (HF) has very high rate of repeat hospitalizations due to HF decompensation (HHFD), sometimes very shortly after discharge for acute HF. Aim: The aim of this paper is to investigate rate of HHFD and to identify their possible predictors. Patients and Methods: Total amount of 222 patients hospitalized at Clinic for heart and vessel disease and rheumatism in acute HF were followed for next 18 months for occurrence of HHFD. During hospitalization were collected demographic data, risk factors, routine laboratory tests and admission BNP (brain natriuretic peptide), discharge BNP, percentage change of BNP during hospitalization, high sensitive troponin I, CA125 (cancer antigen125) and cystatin C. Results: In next 18 months 129 patients (58.11%) reached end-point HHFD- mean time of its occurrence was 2.2 (95% CI=1.67-2.7) months. Patients with HHFD had more often arterial hypertension (HTA) (p=0.006), have higher BMI (p=0.035) and had higher values of bilirubin, admission BNP (p=0.031), discharge BNP (p

Key words: heart failure, BNP, predictors of decompensation.

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