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J App Pharm Sci. 2018; 8(9): 151-157

In-vitro cytotoxicity and apoptosis mechanism of ethyl acetate extract from Trichoderma reesei strain TV221 associated with marine sponge: Stylissa flabelliformis

Erna Prawita Setyowati, Sylvia Utami Tunjung Pratiwi, Purwantiningsih, Indah Purwantini.


This research aimed to acknowledge cytotoxic effect of ethyl acetate extract fermented from Trichoderma reesei strain TV221 fungi associated with Stylissa flabelliformis sponge in various cell lines such as WiDr, T41, T47D, Raji, and Vero, as well as to discover mechanism of cell’s death. The result of fermented fungi T. reesei was extracted with ethyl acetate. Ethyl acetate extract was tested against cell lines using MTT assay. The result of cytotoxic selectivity test with lowest IC50 price, then apoptosis test with double staining acridine orange-ethidium bromide method was performed Ethyl acetate extract fermented from T. reesei has cytotoxic ability against tumor cell lines (WiDr, T41, T47D, Raji) and is not toxic to normal cell lines (Vero). Test sample can spur apoptosis process on colon cancer cells Widr.

Key words: Trichoderma reesei strain TV221, cytotoxic effect, apoptosis, Stylissa flabelliformis, associated sponge

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