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RMJ. 2013; 38(2): 121-124

Comparison of efficacy of thioridazine with clonidine acting through different mechanisms in opioid abstinence syndrome

Munawar Alam Ansari, Aijaz Ahmed Qureshi, Anila Kazi.


Objective: To investigate and compare the efficacy of thioridazine with clonidine acting through different mechanisms in patients with Acute opioid Abstinence Syndrome.
Methodology: Single blind comparative clinical trial was carried out at Department of Pharmacology, BMSI, JPMC, Karachi. Fifty two addicts were selected randomly and were grouped into, group-A on thioridazine 100 mg/day and group-B received clonidine 150mcg/day. Every participant completed the treatment program and stayed in hospital for ten days.
Results: The efficacy safety and tolerability of thioridazine was scant, while clonidine showed statistically significant turn down in the objective signs of acute opioid abstinence syndrome.
Conclusion: This clinical trial confirmed that clonidine has more powerful effects than thioridazine. While treating the withdrawal signs of opioid abstinence syndrome may possibly pointed out that over activation of norepinephrine is a major factor contributes to the commencement of opioid abstinence syndrome.

Key words: Opioid abstinence syndrome, thioridazine, clonidine

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