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Surface Ultrastructure of Antenna and Distribution of Sensilla in the Leptogenys chinensis (Mayr) (Fabricus) (Formicidae: Hymenoptera)

Deepak D. Barsagade, Dewashree A. Nagarkar, Jitendra R. Kirsan.

Cited by 2 Articles

Ants have well developed pair of antenna with sensory system used in chemical communication for social lives. The antennae comprise of two parts scape and funiculus. Funinculus contain single segmented pedicel and ten segmented flagellum. The surface micro-morphology of the antennal sensilla of Leptogenys chinensis worker shows presence of various types of sensilla viz. sensilla trichodea, sensilla trichodea curvata, sensilla basiconica, sensilla coeloconica, sensilla chaetica, sensilla coelocapitular. Sensilla trichodea is distributed on all parts of antenna. Sensilla trichodea curvata type III is typically present on flagellar segments only. Sensilla basiconica with arrowhead present on scape ball is slightly different than the sensilla basiconica with rounded head present on flagellar tip. Sensilla coelocapitular is observed only on the flagellar tip. On the joint of scape ball and pedicilar shaft three types of sensilla trichodea are present on the ball ridge while, sensilla basiconica distributed on dorso-lateral margin of ball.
KEYWORDS: Ant, Leptogenys, antenna, sensilla, SEM

Key words: KEYWORDS: Ant, Leptogenys, antenna, sensilla, SEM

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