Background: To assess for learning & meet the demand of universal change in medical education assessment tools have evolved over the years. This study analyzes the perception of dentistry students about the various methods of assessments used in their course.
Methods: This qualitative exploratory research was conducted through interviews at the Dental Section, Bolan Medical College, Quetta. By using purposive sampling all 25 students of 3rd year BDS were included in the study. The students were asked in the interview about their liking of various assessment methods including Short Answer Questions, Structured Essay Questions, Multiple Choice Questions, Viva and Objective Structured Clinical Examination. Demographic data (age and gender) was recorded and represented in the form of percentages and frequencies. Data was analyzed by thematic analysis.
Results: Initially on open coding 26 codes emerged and then through axial and selective coding these were condensed to 13 subthemes. The mean age of participants was 20 1.2 years with female student preponderance (60%). OSCE was the most liked method by (60%) students followed by SEQ (16%). Main reason for liking OSCE is its convenience in attempting, judgment and marking on same parameters and easy to do. Viva was considered best method as it increases students confidence level. Those who preferred SEQ/MCQ were in the opinion that it is more precise and less time consuming.
Conclusion: OSCE was the most liked method of assessment by the dentistry students as they have equal chance to get marks on the same parameter and prevent examiners bias.
Key words: Assessment, dentistry, students perceptions.