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Physical and Biochemical Studies on Excess Weight-Induced Rats Maintained on Mixed Spices-Supplemented Diet

Ali Siddiq Idoko, Ayuba Zaharaddeen Ayuba, Emaka Lawrence Ilouno.

Cited by 5 Articles

The research was conducted to assess some growth and biochemical changes in excess weight-induced male Wistar rats maintained on mixed spices-supplement salty diet. Dried and pulverized clove, ginger, onion and garlic were homogenously mixed in the ratio of 1:2:2:2. Six (6) wistar albino rats (151.01±1.12) were randomly divided into two groups (A and B) of four rats each with nearly equal average weight. Three experimental diets A, B and C were formulated. Diet A was 100% starter’s mash (control diet) while Diet B was 6% salt of starter’s mash and C was 2% mixed spices of diet B. The rats in group A and group B were maintained on their experimental diets (Diet A and Diet B respectively) ad libitum for four weeks. Diet B was then removed and replaced with diet C and maintained on this diet ad libitum for three weeks. Growth, hematological and lipid profiles, and transaminase enzyme activities in the rats were determined. There was no significant variation (p>0.05) in the feed intake between the group maintained on 6% salty diet and the control but feed conversion ratio and weight gain did. Supplementation of diet B with 2% mixed spices (Diet C) caused significant (p

Key words: Mixed-spices; Excess weight, induced; Biochemical; Hematology; Transaminase; Lipid

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