Background: Early screening of hearing impairment optimizes communication, social, academic, and vocational outcomes for each child with hearing loss measurement of the auditory brain stem response which is considered the most sensitive method of assessing the auditory activity of neonates.
Aims and Objectives: This study aims to compare wave V latency and interpeak I-V latency by brainstem auditory evoked response in preterm babies (32 weeks–36 weeks) with age-specific normal response and intergroup comparison (Group 1–32 weeks, Group 2–34 weeks, and Group 3–36 weeks) for the identification of hearing impairment if any.
Materials and Methods: The present study was done on 50 preterm newborn, and after satisfying inclusion and exclusion criteria, preterm babies were subdivided into three groups on the basis of gestational age (Group A: 32 weeks [n = 12], Group B: 34 weeks [n = 18], and Group C: 36 weeks [n = 20]). Babies were subjected to brainstem evoked response audiometry (BERA) test on RMS EMG EP MARK-II machine in the neurophysiology unit of the Department of Physiology, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal. Interpretation of the data as compared to normal values was done.
Results: A trend toward decrease in absolute peak latencies of wave V with advancing gestational age was observed indicating progressive maturation, but the values recorded in all the three groups were longer as compared to the normal term values suggesting impairment in the maturation process. Wave I-V interpeak latencies values showed appreciable prolongation in all groups as compared to normal term values.
Conclusion: The present study has shown that the preterm babies had altered BERA findings signifying hearing impairment.
Key words: Auditory Brainstem Response; Hearing Impairment