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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2019; 17(2): 11-19

Gastrointestinal parasites of non-human primates and the zoonotic implications in Gashaka-Gumti National Park, Nigeria

Robert Soumay Houmsou, Umaru Buba, Elizabeth Une Amuta, Santaya Larit Kela.


This study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence, age and sex distribution of gastrointestinal parasites in non-human primates (NHP) in Gashaka-Gumti National Park. A total of one hundred and fifty faecal samples (30 from each species of non-human primates) was collected and examined using formol-ether concentration and double wet smear techniques. Twelve species of gastrointestinal parasites (5 protozoans and 7 helminths) were recovered. C. aethiops tantalus, C. mona and C. nictitans had the highest number of parasites preponderance with 66.7 % (8/12) each. Ascaris sp, 38.7% (58/150) had the highest prevalence followed by Trichiuris sp, 18.7% (28/150), Strongyloides sp, 18.7% (28/150), Chilomatix meslini, 6.7%(10/150) and Entamoeba coli, 6.7% (10/150). With regards to the distribution of gastrointestinal parasites between the species of non-human primates, Ascaris sp varied significantly with P. anubis, 60.0% (18/30) and C. mona, 50.0% (15/30) having the highest prevalence (÷2= 12.532; p=0.014). Likewise, Trichiuris sp was significantly higher in C. guereza, 33.3% (10/30) and C. anethiops tantalus, 30.0% (9/30) (÷2= 19.581; p=0.001). Chilomatix meslini, 20.0% (6/30) and Entamoeba coli, 20.0% (6/30) were significantly higher in C. guereza (÷2= 11.780; p=0.038) and C. aethiops tantalus (÷2= 13.921; p=0.008), respectively. The age-related distribution reported Chilomatix meslini, 20.0% (3/15) and Trichiuris sp, 26.3% (20/76) higher in Infants (÷2= 5.305; p=0.040) and adults (÷2= 5.305; p=0.040) respectively. Sex did not significantly affect distribution of parasites between non-human primates though Ascaris sp, 41.1% (28/6) and Trichiuris sp, 21.9% (18/82) were higher in males (÷2= 0.330; p=0.565) and females (÷2= 1.285; p=0.257) respectively. This study revealed the endemicity of gastrointestinal parasites among the NHP in Gashaka-Gumti National Park which has zoonotic implication to their human counterparts. It is recommended that humans living in the enclaves and visitors should avoid contact with sources of water where the NHP congregate.

Key words: Gastrointestinal, Parasites, Primates, National, Park, Nigeria

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